Medical & Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT)

Description: All the information you need that is related to medical admissions in Pakistan. Merit, aggregate, other options and choices, fee structure, duration of course and scoop of this field.


MDCAT is an amplitude test that is conducted by the universities/colleges so to get admission in different medical fields provided by them. It is compulsory for everyone to take this test. Without this test no one can enter in universities. Now if we talk about MDCAT, first thought that flash in our mind is M.B.B.S which stands for ( Medicines Bachelor, Bachelor of Surgery). Other choice is BDS which stands for (Bachelor of dental surgery). These two courses are most chosen by candidates. So competition for these is also tough. Other fields are also available in which you can get doctor (Dr.) with your name. These are DPT (Doctor of physiotherapy), OD (Doctor of optometry), diets and nutrition doctor etc. Competition is not tough for these fields and anyone can easily get admitted even with as low as 50% marks in FSc and metric. Now lets talk about our main topic MBBS and BDS.

MBBS: It is a bachelor degree in which a student learns about anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, medicine and surgery. After the completion of the course, student is given degree and is officially allowed to use the title (Dr.) with his name. It is a 5 year course including internship. Internship is basically the last practical year in which a person gains experience by working in one of the university affiliated hospital. For this option you need to give MDCAT and your marks will be aggregated. More marks means more chance of having name in merit list. Aggregate is basically made on the following formula:-

Matriculation : 10% of total marks obtained 
Fsc (Pre-Medical): 40% of total marks obtained 
Entry Test (MDCAT) : 50% of total marks obtained 

Aggregating total marks by using this formula, merit list is created. Person securing highest marks will be on no.1 and it will go up to (usually) 120. As many universities offer 120 seats for mbbs. Rest of the students who can not have their name in first 120 (for one college) may look for other universities as well. The more universities you will apply for, the more are the chances for getting admission. Merit is usually based on standards of university, e.g Edward Medical university will have high merit then other college in Lahore that has less standards. But merit usually starts from 95% to 84%. For famous university merit closes on 90% and for colleges having less standards have closing merit of 84 - 82%. 

Self Finance: In case you are not able to get scholarship in which you only pay 50,000 / year for MBBS. You can also get seat in self finance. Merit is also made for this section as seats are limited, but competition is not tough as far as you pay for seat. Total expenses excluding hostel facility costs about 8 - 10 lac Rs. per year. For foreign is costs about 18 lac / year. For Mbbs in China, costs vary between 6 - 12 lac Rs. per year. Also note that duration of Mbbs in China is 6 years including internship. But no entry test will be necessary for admission in China.

BDS: It is 4 year course and student will be allowed to use (Dr.) title after completion of course. Merit closes about 3-4% less than that of MBBS and costs about 7 - 9 lac / year. This course will ope the doors in dental field.

Scoop: Both of the fields have very great scope. Earning is significant and also respect in society is gained. Person completing mbbs and bds can practice either in their own clinic or any hospital. While doing work they can also do specialization in the field they are interested in.


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